I'm Yvette


About 7 years ago, I decided to lose weight. This time, for real. I was hovering around 300 pounds, on a small five foot five frame, and had spent an exhaustive amount of time researching the best way forward.

I was determined to lose my unnecessary weight without loose-skin.

I spent years observing people... and saw that common threads of advice ("lose the weight slowly!") didn't make a difference. 

Was it really based on GENETICS?

Well, I was screwed then. I had stretch marks long before I was fat, back in elementary school! My skin wasn't favorable. 

Something egged me forward. It seemed like a cop-out to point a finger on the genetic lottery... surely, the wisdom of the body saw no purpose in holding onto hoards of skin.

In this endeavor began my initiation into understanding the language of the body. 

I would spend the next few years immersed in learning just how profound our bodies are. My journey has taken me across not JUST physical landscapes, but emotional, mental, and spiritual ones too.

Interested in learning more about my journey?


Here are my current offerings!

Loose-Skin Course V1.


This is a complete 9-module course regarding the basics of my theories with weight-loss and loose-skin.

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Lose Weight With Me


This is a rolling enrollment drip-course that takes you through a significant weight-loss transformation, week-by-week. It is currently ACTIVE and being updated weekly!

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Book a one-on-one.


Sliding-scale, hourly consults regarding the questions on your mind. Let's chat!

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